Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A grave for two

This is the US Secretary of State Clinton, speaking in Pakistan after the Peshawar bombing:
I want you to know that this fight is not Pakistan's alone. This is our struggle as well...
Duh, of course it is. Daddy doesn't brag to Mommy about the rascal child being a shared struggle, does he? For those who came in late, the US and Pakistan encouraged and funded the Taliban for a long, long time.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Leader in sweatpants

Says President Obama...:
Before we reclaim global leadership, we must first stop eating six sausages and a pound of eggs covered in syrup for breakfast, and we must stop leaving the house in sweatpants. this video:

Obama Drastically Scales Back Goals For America After Visiting Denny's

Well, this is only Onion news, but certainly not far from the truth. Makes you question the moral authority of a nation of over-consuming mastarams.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Nobel Peace for the warmonger

A few weeks ago, Barrack Obama took the stage with heads of two other nuclear weapon-owning states to jointly put the screws on Iran for aspiring to have something they already do. One of Obama's hawks squawked: "Nothing is off the table...".

This is how peace-loving nations operate. Like three bullies on a playground pinning down a skinny upstart who wants to use their favorite swing...with their elbows pinned on the upstart's chest, they flaunt their honorable intentions: "We would like to peacefully persuade you to leave this area, but no option is off the table."

In February, Obama ramped up the number of soldiers in Afghanistan fighting a senseless, aimless, war in Afghanistan by 21,000. This year saw the worst civilian deaths in this war so far, most of it under the Beloved Leader's watch. As we speak, he is considering sending more soldiers there.

The Nobel Peace prize is inappropriate first, premature later.
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